
Vector interventions are all designed around the specific needs of the individual client. They are seen as relevant, practical and focused. Consultancy is a key part of our activities. With the experience gained over many years Vector consultants have the ability to help and advise across a wide range of Leadership and Management issues.

We particularly recognise the significant impact that the behaviour of those at the top of the organisation has on the performance of others. Words are not enough. Those at the top must demonstrate behaviours that support their words.

Training and Skills Development.

Management is a skill and therefore like any skill it can be learned. Vector has a suite of training and skills development programmes from two day change management skills to two hour ‘Vector Express’ interventions.

The latter covering basic interpersonal, communication and team skills. Our consultants can deliver training to groups ranging in size from 5 to 50 and we always customise the course to the particular needs of the client.

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360 Degree Feedback.

At the individual development level 360 degree feedback and psychometric testing are powerful tools. ‘To see ourselves as others see us’ has long been recognised as a way to improve. 360 degree feedback provides that opportunity.

We use instruments that are designed specifically for your organisation, administered either on-line or on paper under a confidential contract and provide feedback through experienced consultants. Increased self awareness can be gained by comparing the results of psychometric tests with those from 360.

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  • Business driven lasting organisational impact
  • External objective perspective on your leadership & management issues
  • Identification of relevant actions to facilitate sustainable change
  • Measurement of return on investment to show progress made & results achieved
  • Guidance on how to sustain progress and improve results further

1:1 Coaching.

Executive Coaching centres on areas related to growing and developing a successful organisation or business. Coaching is delivered on a 1:1 basis; however, coaching small groups or teams is also popular. Coaching can focus on many areas including: business planning, management competencies, improving leadership skills, managing transitions, training and skills development, developing and motivating staff and enhancing personal impact.

It can also provide an opportunity for a leader to find valuable thinking time using a confidential sounding board to address the many challenges of leading in a fast changing environment, both personal and professional.

360° Feedback & Psychometric Testing.

Our coaching may involve the use of a variety of psychometric testing, including MBTI, Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI), EQ-I & EQ 360, amongst others. 360° feedback may also be carried out to get a fuller perspective on a leader’s current performance.

The latter covering basic interpersonal, communication and team skills. Our consultants can deliver training to groups ranging in size from 5 to 50 and we always customise the course to the particular needs of the client.

Training and Skills Development.

Training & skills development may act as a key intervention given the challenge being faced. Our coaches work at senior levels, with CEOs, Directors, senior or middle managers in all sectors and industries, functioning in a mentoring capacity. As a mentor, our coaches have shared experiences and can act as sounding boards, offering advice and helping with solutions.

Vector Group offers face to face coaching or telephone coaching dependent on what is most suitable for the client. Our coaching is results focused and delivers benefits to both the individual and the organisation.


  • Greater self awareness of current strengths and behaviours
  • Strategies for influencing and interacting more effectively with others including key stakeholder management
  • Development of strategic thinking and making the time available to take the actions needed
  • Handling role or career changes
  • Managing stress, change or conflict
  • Enhancing personal impact and performance through a realistic and pragmatic personal development plan
  • Increasing one’s skill in communicating effectively with differing audiences

Issues Based Team Building.

The excellence of team operation is critical to business success. Vector has a number of approaches that help to bring about such excellence. Issue based team building consists of short, practical facilitated meetings where an intact team addresses issues that may be slowing down progress. It also involves agreeing collective and individual objectives, deciding on the principles/ground rules under which they will operate and giving feedback to each other.

Team Analysis and Coaching.

Team Analysis and Coaching is ideal for a newly established team (although it can be used for established teams). Typically, a behavioural inventory or psychometric test (MBTI, SDI, etc.) is used in a practical way to give feedback to the team (collectively and individually) in order to create a more cohesive and successful team.


To address relationships between teams, we have a unique Vector Group product – Partnering. A “partnering” session can last from 2 hours to 2 days and can include from 2 to 6 teams. Partnering can be applied to teams who, potentially or actually, have conflicting goals which must be discussed and resolved in order for all teams to achieve goals.

Training and Skills Development.

For large groups, Conferences offer an effective means of communication. This is particularly useful in global or multi-national organisations where the members operate in different countries, continents and time zones. Vector Group has many years experience in organising and leading conferences. Conferences can last from 1 to 5 days during which time attendees can discuss and resolve issues, hear a common message, feel included and motivated.


  • Surfaces and addresses issues before they become too serious
  • Gives a team member clarity and consistency of purpose
  • Establishes a Code of Conduct thereby making it easier to give praise and advice to each other
  • Motivates the team in an informal, relaxed way
  • Helps team members to recognise and address areas of difference
  • Creates opportunities for teams to discuss and resolve conflicting goals and/or styles
  • Encourages constructive feedback between teams - both praise/encouragement and issues of conflict
  • Develops trust, openness and mutual respect
  • Ensures all parties are moving in the same direction
  • Helps “remote teams” to meet and get to know each other
  • Enables ownership of goals and targets
  • Celebrates and rewards success

Cultural Change.

Changing organisations takes time. The culture is usually the source of inertia.

All organisations have a culture. It may not be the ideal one to deliver the best business results but it will exist. Starting with the business drivers and the current business environment, we can help you to identify the ideal culture to facilitate success. Comparing this ideal to the actual allows us to determine a range of interventions to bring about a shift in culture to bridge this gap.

Behavioural & Attitudinal Change.

However, people do not change simply because they are asked to. There are a number of parameters that have to be in place if behavioural and attitudinal change is to be real and sustained. These factors include recognition/reward for the required behaviours, role modelling of the new behaviours/attitudes by the bosses, peer pressure, subordinate pressure as well as an increase in self -awareness. Our interventions look to make use of as many of these as possible.

Training Programmes & Skills Development.

We take account of these variations and customise all our training and skills development interventions to match the specific needs of the client.


We make use of our range of experienced consultants to ensure we have appropriate area topic experts.


  • Clear linkage of change interventions to the needs of the business
  • Ability to monitor change over time
  • Support to achieve lasting sustainable change
  • Attitudinal and behavioural change that really works
  • Interventions that take account of the local environment and organisational culture
  • Ownership of the change process
  • Comprehensive range of skills courses available